The Best Gluten-Free Italian Pasta Varieties You Have to Include in Your Pantry

Gluten is simultaneously the best thing about wheat and the worst one! How? Well, it gives our favorite doughy delights their characteristic stretch, rise, and flavor, but it can also be a bit too harsh on our digestive system! Well, not for all of us, just those who are gluten intolerant to any degree - which can also range from light intolerance to a severe one.

Is gluten bad for you? No, unless you feel like your body doesn’t digest it all that well - in which case, you might have celiac disease (the inability to digest gluten) - it doesn’t cause any harm to your health. So, if you feel fine after eating bowls of pasta or mouthwatering slices of pizza, there is no reason why you should omit gluten from your diet. However, if it causes you discomfort, there are plenty of substitutes you can add to your pantry that will make the tough necessity of removing glutenous indulgences from your diet a lot more bearable (and, in some cases, barely noticeable)!

What is gluten free pasta made of?

When it comes to actually removing gluten from your diet, pasta is definitely one of the toughest staples to say goodbye to. Luckily, with a bit of help from our list, you won’t have to! There are plenty of variations you can substitute this classic carby delight with! When it comes to gluten free pasta, there are two main types - Ones made from traditional wheat-free flour like rice and corn, or ones made out of more intriguing ingredients such as lentils, buckwheat, chickpeas, and more!

Today we will provide you with a comprehensive guide through variations of both of the aforementioned types, so you’re guaranteed to leave this article being aware of not only which is the best tasting gluten-free pasta, but which is the best ITALIAN gluten free pasta - and those are pretty much the same as the best options available worldwide!

10. Le Veneziane Gluten Free Anellini Soup Pasta

Le Veneziane is your top pick if you’re aiming for the best Italian corn pasta on the market! Their pasta manages to avoid all the pitfalls that gluten-free doughs usually fall into - it keeps its shape, works well with sauces, has a similar mouthfeel to the classic variation, and doesn’t lose the sense of comfort that pasta dishes tend to carry. And their Anellini rings are not the exception either! While usually not as appreciated as more renowned shapes like spaghetti or penne, these tiny rings are perfect for the most warming, soothing bowls of soup, full of flavor, care, and love! So, if you like your soups, this is an ideal gluten-free Italian pasta for you!

9. Le Veneziane Gluten Free Penne Pasta

Does penne even need an introduction? They’re one of the most widespread pasta shapes worldwide - and for a good reason! Their shape makes penne an ideal option for both chunky and creamy sauces - the surface will absorb all the flavors, while the delicious bits of meat and veggies get trapped in the hallowed middle of your pasta - you won’t miss out on a single morsel of decadence you’ve put in that glorious sauce! And for a wheat-free alternative to this classic essential, Le Veneziane gluten-free corn penne is the unbeatable option! Keep it at hand for all occasions, and always be prepared to fend off even the carbiest of cravings!

8. Probios Gluten Free Buckwheat Spaghetti

Does gluten-free pasta taste different? Well, it depends! Of course, there’s going to be a slight divergence from the flavors you’re most familiar with, however, in most traditional variations, it’s not all that noticeable. Although, when it comes to more creative takes like buckwheat or lentil pasta, there’s bound to be a more significant difference in taste - after all, more often than not, these options are supposed to have a distinct flavor profile of their own, so they are not made with the intention of perfectly replicating the aromas of classic pasta. So yes, Probios organic buckwheat spaghetti does bring its own flair to every dish - and that’s why we love it! The earthy, nutty kick of buckwheat might be just what your creamy white sauces have been needing! Shop gluten-free Italian pasta online and find out for yourself!

7. La Rosa Gluten Free Tagliatelle

The best friend to any creamy sauce? Indeed, La Rosa gluten free tagliatelle is a pantry essential you don’t want to miss out on! Based on a blend of corn and rice flour, this decadent variant is bound to become a favorite! It’s like chunkier spaghetti - who doesn’t want that?! Not to mention, when it comes to gluten free pasta brands, La Rosa is one of the top picks you could go for. Tagliatelle doesn’t require for its praises to be sung - we’re all well aware of its greatness - and if you don’t want to say goodbye to it simply because of gluten, this is a stunning option you won’t regret choosing!

6. Farabella Gluten Free Elbow Pasta - Cornetti

Are you a fan of mac n’cheese? That was a rhetorical question - who isn’t? Even if you’re vegan, there are quite a few stunning recipes utilizing cashews, vegan cheeses, and nutritional yeast to create exquisite substitutes for this all-time favorite dish! And whether it’s Kraft or some other subconscious association we have to blame, it’s undeniable that when imagining an ideal bowl of mac n’cheese, we imagine elbow macaroni! These shapes have become the face of cheesy indulgences as well as gluten free pasta salad recipes! And if you want your actual meals to look like their idealized versions in your head, Farabella organic gluten free pasta elbows is just what you need! Keep a pack or two in your pantry and bring the indulgent touches of corn and rice flour pasta to your mid-week dinners and warm afternoon party pasta salads!

5. Gluten Free Gnocchi

From Divella gluten free gnocchi made with rice & cornflour to a slightly less orthodox variation that is Colavita cauliflower gnocchi, there is no doubt that if you seek to find a suitable alternative to your favorite indulgences, you’re guaranteed to find one! Gnocchi is a type of pasta that also incorporates potatoes - so it could be argued that gnocchi is the best type of pasta! And for those of you who love these squishy, chewy varieties, we’ve got a couple of delicious gluten free options to choose from! If you’re after a classic taste, Divella pasta is your best match, since rice flour is pretty close to the traditional wheat base; however, if you’re after something more experimental and intriguing with its own kick, go for Colavita’s gluten free cauliflower gnocchi - both of them are guaranteed to taste like a dream, so it all comes down to what you prefer!

4. Probios Gluten Free Chickpea Pasta

Yes, we are going to place less traditional varieties quite high! Why? Cause they’re experimental, delicious, and nutritious! Chickpea pasta not only manages to be quite tasty and have a consistency that absorbs sauces pretty well, but it’s also high in protein, which is always a plus and makes your bowl of comfort food a lot more satiating! So why not go for Probios Italian chickpea pasta? It’s guaranteed to exceed your expectations and provide the most indulgent experience with quite a bit more benefits than your classic pasta! Best of both worlds? We certainly think so!

3. Probios Gluten Free Red Lentil Pasta

As the name suggests, this variation of organic gluten free pasta from Probios is made on the base of red lentils and shares a lot of similar characteristics with the chickpea variety we just discussed - it’s also high in protein, fiber and tastes like a mix between classic pasta and lentils. And yes, we might have just ranked it higher than the chickpea one solely because of its color! But aesthetics are also important when it comes to food! We eat with our eyes first, and you can’t deny that Probios red lentil pasta looks absolutely stunning! The impeccable reddish-orange shade makes it such an exciting ingredient to cook with! Can you imagine pairing it with a white sauce? The juxtaposition of colors is guaranteed to be a hit! Try for yourself, and find out if you’re more for the classics or inventive variations - the choice is yours!

2. Farabella Gluten Free Garganelli Pasta

Garganelli is easily one of the most underrated pasta shapes out there. It’s a lot like penne, but even better! It has the hollow space in the middle to catch all the chunky bits of the sauce while also being ridged on the outside, making this shape the perfect variety for absorbing every sauce! What more could a pasta lover ask for?! And Farabella gluten free garganelli pasta has all of the aforementioned characteristics on top of the stunning flavors from rice and corn! From tomato sauces to veggie mixes and everything in between - this Italian gluten free pasta is guaranteed to fit it all!

And now, the coveted number one spot - the title of the best Italian gluten free pasta goes to…

1. Divella Gluten Free Spaghetti

Yes, we do love our experimental flavors, but when it comes to the number one spot, we’ve got to give it to the most beloved classic - spaghetti is the ultimate pasta shape! From the iconic scenes from movies like Lady and the Tramp and The Elf (yes, that sweet spaghetti bowl was horrible, but you can’t deny it’s quite legendary!) to our daily meals, spaghetti is the unbeatable champion of comfort food! And Divella gluten free organic spaghetti is guaranteed to suit all of your favorite pasta recipes! Any sauce, topping, and gourmet addition your taste buds crave will fit this decadent bowl of Italian spaghetti just right! Simply make sure to always keep a pack or two at hand and cook up a storm whenever you feel like it!

Wondering where to buy the best Italian Gluten Free pasta? Why, Yummy Bazaar, of course!

If you’re anything like me, you’re already craving a hearty bowl of pasta, maybe even bolognese? And a ton of shaved parmesan on top! YUM! Luckily for both of us, you can get everything you need to create that bowl of carby dreams right here, on our digital shelves!

First, check out our gluten free pasta varieties, then find Italian tomatoes in every form, make sure to grab a bottle of olive oil to top it all off, and get everything you need to cook up a storm of Italian flavors without leaving the comfort of your home! Whether it’s gluten free, vegetarian, vegan, or all of the above, you’re guaranteed to find it all right here, at Yummy Bazaar!  

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