Who knew small, deliciously yellow citrus fruit, traditionally inedible on its own, could be bursting with an exquisite fragrance that French confectionaries would love that much! In 1850, perfumer AND a candy maker in Nancy, a small French town, successfully blended rich bergamot essential oil with sugar syrup, and that’s how irresistible Bergamotes de Nancy was born, signature French candy conquering hearts (and taste buds) for centuries! And at Yummy Bazaar, you’ll be able to find the classic - Confiserie Stanislas bergamot candy! Making these exquisite delights since the 1850s’, Confiserie Stanislas is the leading confectionery in France, and now it’s ready to become your mainstay too!
In our lovely collection, you’ll be able to get your hands on Confiserie Stanislas Bergamotes Candies wrapped in adorable packaging, almost ready to be gifted to your favorite person! These hard candies are perfectly chewy and luscious. Still, the lemon-like zing of bergamot hiding at the end of the bite is the real culinary explosion that everyone deserves to try once in a lifetime! This prized French treasure will be the perfect gift for anyone, sweet-tooth or not! The unbelievable essence of bergamot will easily enchant even the pickiest eaters! So, what are you waiting for? If you’re looking for a one-of-a-kind sensory experience, Confiserie Stanislas candy is here to assist you!